EVENT REPORT | TAPPING INTO THE UNTAPPED: The potential of reclaimed and non-potable waters to increase water resilience
Aqua Publica Europea welcomes two new members
News from our members
Acquedotto Pugliese organises the EU Green Week Partner Event: 'How to secure water supply and create resilient water infrastructures'
In the framework of the EU Green Week, Acquedotto Pugliese is organising a workshop entitled 'How to Secure Water Supply and Create Resilient Water
Emasesa’ telelectura (remote reading meter)
EMASESA (the water operator of Sevilla, Spain) initiated the integration of NarrowBand-Internet of Things (NBIoT) technology into its meters and
SAL has been awarded the price for the Best Sustainability Report 2024
SAL, the water operator of the province of Lodi (Italy), has been awarded the price for the Best Sustainability Report 2024, in the framework of a
Who we are
Aqua Publica Europea (APE) is the European Association of Public Water Operators. It unites publicly owned water and sanitation services and other stakeholders working to promote public water management at both European and international level. APE is an operator-led association that looks for efficient solutions that serve public interests rather than corporate ones.
What we do
Representing the voice of public operators in international policymaking
Fostering exchanges through the useful services, instruments, and initiatives for members
Joining and contributing to initiatives beyond water management