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EMASESA leads a project on climate adaptation

The Spanish public water operator of the city of Seville, EMASESA, is leading the EU-Funded project LIFE WATERCOOL - Water-efficient systemic concept for the climate change adaptation in urban areas which aims to develop and test innovative solutions to cope with climate change impact in the urban environment.


Due to the particular climate conditions of the Andalusia region, in southern Spain, characterised by high temperatures and with temporarily high water run-off as well as drought situations, urban planners need innovative tools that allow them to respond to the new climatic challenges and requirements, adapting to the impacts of climate change.

LIFE WATERCOOL aims to develop and test innovative solutions to cope with high temperatures, both outdoors and indoors, and with temporarily high water run-off as well as drought situations in an urban environment subject to climate change. The urban water network will act as the basic structure for the development of urban green solutions and cooling measures to adapt to the effects of climate change, maximising the sustainability of the city and citizens well-being. 

The project partners are working to address three fundamental environmental issues: Climate change Adaptation - Resilient communities, Land-use & Planning - Urban design (urban-rural) and Water - Water saving. 

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