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The members of Aqua Publica Europea set the issue of drought and water scarcity as one of the key priorities of the organisation. Building on previous exchanges of experiences and public debates with stakeholders, a new publication from Aqua Publica Europea explores the strategies and approaches that public water operators can deploy to address this critical issue.   

APE publication

The members of Aqua Publica Europea set the issue of drought and water scarcity as one of the key priorities of the organisation. Building on previous exchanges of experiences and public debates with stakeholders, a new publication from Aqua Publica Europea explores the strategies and approaches that public water operators can deploy to address this critical issue.   

Drawing on the water scarcity and drought management plans of its members, the objective of the publication is twofold: 

  • Providing an overview of effective approaches and measures that can serve as a reference for the water sector in Europe. 
  • Discussing the responsibility of public operators and of other relevant authorities and stakeholders in defining a shared path towards a sustainable use of water resources.

In essence, this publication is more than a collection of strategies; it's a collaborative effort of Aqua Publica Europea members, contributing to the ongoing dialogue on sustainable water resources management. As we grapple with the systemic challenges presented by climate change, the insights shared in this publication offer valuable perspectives and contribute to the collective effort to secure a sustainable water future for generations to come.

APE publication

The full publication is available here.