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Aqua Publica Europea calls on EU Ministers to support improved access to water

EU Environment Ministers are expected to discuss the recast of the Drinking Water Directive on Monday 25 June. In view of their meeting, Aqua Publica Europea sent a letter, on 21 June 2018, to all the Ministers urging them to support the European Commission's efforts to improve access to water for all citizens.

Through this letter, APE, representing over 60 European public water operators serving over 70 millions people, highlights that, despite several shortcomings, the Commission's proposal is a necessary step towards recognising the human right to water, in line with citizens' expectations as expressed in the European Citizens' Intiative Right2Water, as well as broader environmental goals, such as plastic consumption reduction and circular economy promotion, by requiring Member States to: 

  • improve access to and promote use of drinking water via a range of measures.
  • take all measures necessary to improve access to drinking water for vulnerable and marginalised groups.

We therefore call on the Ministers to express their commitment to an improved access to safe drinking water for all citizens by supporting the Commission's proposal during their debate. 

Read our full letter below.