Aqua Publica Europea's position paper on the Bathing Water Directive
Aqua Publica Europea, the European Association of Public Water Operators, representing 66 publicly-owned water and sanitation utilities serving about 80 million people across 13 European countries, welcomes the opportunity to share its views on the EU Bathing Water Directive 2006/7/EC as part of the European Commission's public consultation.
Aqua Publica Europea, the European Association of Public Water Operators, representing 66 publicly-owned water and sanitation utilities serving about 80 million people across 13 European countries, welcomes the opportunity to share its views on the EU Bathing Water Directive 2006/7/EC as part of the European Commission's public consultation
The Bathing Water Directive, complementing the Water Framework Directive, provides a framework for the protection of the environment and the health of citizens. Clean bathing waters are also critical for municipalities as they benefit the well-being of local citizens and economic dynamism and attractivity.
Many public water operators across Europe are tasked by their municipalities to ensure the management of bathing waters. Based on their experience, we would like to suggest a set of guiding principles for the review of the Bathing Water Directive to face new challenges.
- Clean water is essential for health, the environment and local economy
- Preventing pollution upstream
- Full coordination with the body of EU Water legislation is paramount
- A risk-based and transparent approach for impact on health and the environment
- The way forward: the role of operators in the general interest