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The Future is Public conference report "7 steps to build a democratic economy" is now online

The Transnational Institute (TNI) in collaboration with other organisations publishes the '7 steps to build a democratic economy', based on the panels, workshops and discussions of the international 'Future is Public: Democratic Ownership of the Economy' conference that took place on 4-5 December 2019 in Amsterdam.

the future is public conference report

The Transnational Institute (TNI) in collaboration with other organisations publishes the 7 steps to build a democratic economy, a report based on the panels, workshops and discussions of the international Future is Public: Democratic Ownership of the Economy conference that took place on 4-5 December 2019 in Amsterdam.  

In December, Aqua Publica Europea had contributed to the Future is Public conference by sharing experiences on public management of water and sanitation services in Europe. 

The report captures the debates that took place during the conference, by clustering the discussions around seven themes:  Back to the future, new municipalism, democratising public models, expanding economic democracy, climate emergency, towards feminist public futures and the state of the future. 

The report presents cases studies remunicipalisation efforts, as well as initiatives to involve citizens in public utilities' decision-making processes and addressed the question of climate. 

Download the report