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Ms Celia Blauel Elected New President of APE

In occasion of the Management Board meeting held in Paris on the 10th October, Ms Celia Blauel was elected new President of APE.

Celia BlauelMs Blauel is Deputy Mayor of Paris in charge of environment, sustainable development, water, and of the energy-climate plan. Ms Blauel was elected in Mars 2014 and, subsequently, she has also been designated President of Eau de Paris.

The election of Ms Blauel thus confirms Paris engagement for the promotion of public water management at European and international level.

BMIn her keynote address, Ms Blauel highlighted the promotion of general interest and of sustainable development as the core missions for publicly-owned water operators. The challenges concerning the protection and the equitable access to water resources have then – according to Ms Blauel – a strong transnational dimension. Consequently, public water operators from different countries need to join their forces to develop better and common responses. This collective effort is facilitated in APE by the strong basis of values that are shared by all members and are expressed in APE’s founding charter.

Ms Blauel replaces Ms Anne Le Strat who has finished her mandate as President of APE after 6 years. The end of Le Strat’s mandate does not imply though she will leave the network; on the contrary she will continue to provide her valuable contribution to the development of APE, as she has always done since the foundation of the Association.

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