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Two New Members Join APE

The APE Management Board, meeting in Bari (Italy) on the 9th of October, has welcomed two new members: Aguas de Cádiz, the public water operator of the city of Cádiz in southern Spain, and Hamburg Wasser, the second biggest public water operator of Germany.

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Aguas de Cadiz and Hamburg Wasser


The municipal company Aguas de Cádiz is in charge of supplying drinking water and managing the sewage network and waste water treatment of the Spanish city of Cádiz in Southern Spain, with a population of 120 000 people. The company has lately implemented a series of actions to promote transparency and sustainability, such as a participatory approach to setting tariffs and measures to ensure the access to water for all.

Hamburg Wasser is in charge of the drinking water supply and waste water treatment of the city of Hamburg and surrounding municipalities in northern Germany. Hamburg Wasser is not only the second biggest public water operator in Germany, serving over 2 million people, but also one of the water utilities with the longest history in Europe.

We extend a warm welcome to them!