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37th International NO-DIG, Florence 30 September - 2 October 2019

30 September–2 October 2019

NO Dig florence

Aqua Publica Europea member MM (Milan, Italy) is sponsoring the International NO-DIG 2019 Florence, organised by IATT - the Italian Association for Trenchless Technology. 

The aim is to focus attention on trenchless technologies. Trenchless technology involves the installation, replacement or renewal of underground utilities with minimal excavation and surface disruption.

The event, taking place over three days at Fortezza da Basso, will demonstrate the benefits that these innovations could bring to citizens, and their strategic role in the revitalisation of the infrastructure market.

The event will include both a scientific programme and industry sessions to gain complete insight into the latest developments on trenchless technology. 

More information about the event on the dedicated website: No Dig Florence 2019