CIRCULAR WAYS - Promoting circular approaches in wastewater treatment | Verona (and online), 29 June, 09:00-12:00
Aqua Publica Europea is pleased to invite you to our next public seminar:
Circular Ways: Promoting Circular Approaches in Wastewater Treatment
The event will take place in person in Verona's Biblioteca Capitolare (Piazza Duomo 19, 37121 Verona) and online.
Wastewater treatment processes are essential to avoid that the water we discharge into the environment after domestic or industrial use deteriorates the ecological status of Europe’s rivers, seas, and eco-systems.
Adopting circular approaches to wastewater treatment provides real opportunities to achieve societal objectives on waste minimisation, sustainable agriculture, and energy generation, with clear environmental (and geo-political) benefits.
However, the shift to circularity requires a complex combination of appropriate regulatory framework, new technologies, and effective coordination between different sectors and stakeholders.
In light of the current revision of the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive (UWWTD) and the publication of the evaluation of the Sewage Sludge Directive, this seminar will explore the conditions to reach the right mix through insightful contributions from water operators, policymakers, and stakeholders.
08:30-09:00 Welcome Coffee
09:00-09:15 Welcome Addresses
Bernard Van Nuffel – President, Aqua Publica Europea & VIVAQUA
Roberto Mantovanelli – President, Acque Veronesi
Session I – Circular Perspectives
09:15-09:30 Evolution of the EU Legislative Framework on Wastewater and Sludge
Nele-Frederike Rosenstock – Policy Officer, Marine Environment and Clean Water Services, DG Environment, European Commission [online]
09:30-10:30 Circular approaches: A European Outlook
Jon Rathjen – Deputy Director, Water Policy & DECC Operations, Scottish Government
Gudrun Winkler – Senior Advisor, Management Systems and Technology, Hamburg Wasser [online]
Paolo Giandon – Director, Department for Environment and Ecological Transition, Veneto Region
10:30-10:45 Coffee Break
Session II – Circular Drive
10:45-11:00 EU Research and Innovation Priorities for Circularity in the Water Sector
Bertrand Vallet – Policy Officer, Circular Economy & Biobased Systems Unit, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission
11:00-11:30 Promising Innovations to Enhance Circularity: Examples from APE Members
Enrico Pezzoli – President, Como Acqua
Marco Blazina – Head of Operations, MM
11:30-12:00 Panel Discussion: Conditions to Accelerate Circular Approaches in the Water Sector
Bertrand Vallet – European Commission
Veronica Santoro – European Sustainable Phosphorous Platform
Prof David Bolzonella – University of Verona
12:00 Conclusive Remarks
Roberto Mantovanelli – President, Acque Veronesi
Interpretation service: French, English and Italian