PROMEDIO | 4th SmallWat21v International Congress: Wastewater treatment in small agglomeration
On 17-18 June 2021, Aqua Publica member Promedio (Badajoz, Spain) co-organises, as a scientific partner of the Interreg project IDIaqua, the "SmallWat21v International Congress" focused on Wastewater treatment in small agglomeration
On 17-18 June 2021, Aqua Publica member Promedio (Badajoz, Spain) co-organises, as a scientific partner of the Interreg project IDIaqua, the "SmallWat21v International Congress" focused on Wastewater treatment in small agglomeration.
The 4th Smallwat21v International Congress aims to share the results of the IDiaqua project, developed in the framework of the POCTEP programme (Interreg Spain-Portugal), as well as the sharing of innovative experiences in the field of wastewater treatment in small towns. Smallwat21v, in its fourth edition, has become a space for reflection and debate for scientists, technicians, companies, politicians and society in general, in relation to the technological, political and management challenges of sanitation and wastewater treatment services in small towns.
The "SmallWat21v International Congress" will take place in a virtual environment that allows participants to interact with all the attendees in real-time, to network, and to identify all the people who speak and participate in the event.
On behalf of Promedio (Badajoz, Spain), Pedro Martín participates in the scientific committee of the Congress.
For those who are interested in sharing their initiatives on wastewater treatment in small agglomerations (Nutrient removal/ Innovative technologies and trends), he submission of papers/projects is opened until the 1 March 2021, see the details here.