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THE VALUE OF WATER(S) - Strategies to reduce impact on freshwater resources | Vila Nova de Gaia (and online), 30 March, 14:30-18:00 GMT

30 March 2023 14:30–18:00


Aqua Publica Europea is pleased to invite you to our next public seminar:

The Value of Water(s): Strategies to reduce impact on freshwater resources.

The event will take place in person at  THE LODGE HOTEL (Rua de Serpa Pinto 60, 4400-307 Vila Nova de Gaia) and online.

The frequency and geographical extent of drought events affecting Europe are increasing. As predicted by the latest reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), water scarcity is rapidly shifting from a primarily Mediterranean issue to a continental emergency. Addressing this fundamental societal challenge requires an overhaul of water resources management.

A recently adopted EU regulation should encourage the reuse of water (following wastewater treatment process) by the agricultural sector, which is the main “user” of freshwater resources on our continent. Reclaimed water or alternative water sources also have the potential to meet certain industrial needs or urban uses. In addition to reducing the impact on freshwater resources, these alternative sources can also help save high quality and precious water for drinking purposes.

In this framework, the seminar aims to explore the potential and challenges of implementing the new water reuse regulation in agriculture, as well as the opportunities for alternative water sources in urban contexts.


14:30-14:45    Welcome address

Miguel Lemos Rodrigues, President of the Management Board, Águas de Gaia

14:45-16:15    Session 1 – The new EU regulation on water reuse: Potential and challenges

  • Objectives and provisions of the Reg. EU 2020/741

Valentina Bastino, Policy Officer for EU Water Legislation and Policy, European Commission [from remote]

  • The experience of water utilities

Hugo Xambre Pereira, Executive Vice-President, Águas do Tejo Atlântico (PT)
Eddy Troosters, Chief Executive Officer, PIDPA (BE)

  • The view of the agricultural sector

Adriano Battilani, Secretary General, Irrigants d’Europe [from remote]

16:15-16:30 Coffee break

16:30-17:30    Session 2 – The potential of water reuse in agriculture and beyond: Perspectives

Panel Discussion:

Domenico Laforgia, President, Acquedotto Pugliese (IT)
Margarida Monte, Senior Engineer, Portuguese Water Regulator (ERSAR)
Joaquim Poças Martins, Secretary General, Portuguese Water Council

17:30    Conclusive remarks: The way forward

José Pimenta Machado, Portuguese Environmental Authority


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