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Viveracqua | Water and climate scenarios. New knowledge and operational guidelines, 10 December - Padua, Italy

10 December 2021 08:30–14:00

On 10 December 2021, Vivereacqua (Veneto Region, Italy) in cooperation with the Veneto Section of the Italian Hydrotecnique Association, organise the public conference "Water and climate scenarios. New knowledge and operational guidelines" in Padua (Italy) and online.


On 10 December, Vivereacqua (Veneto Region, Italy) in cooperation with the Veneto Section of the Italian Hydrotecnique Association, organise the public conference "Water and climate scenarios. New knowledge and operational guidelines" in Padua (Italy) and online.

The conference aims at analysing the new forecasts on future climate trends and analysing the possible measures to be taken, with particular attention to the Land and Water Protection component of the strategic mission M2 of the National Plan (Green Revolution and Ecological Transition).

The conference will take place on December 10, 2021, from 8:30 AM to 2:00 PM at Palazzo del Bo in Padua, in the Ancient Archives Hall.

More information and registration are available here.