World Water Week | Ambitious nature-based solutions are the key to accelerating adaptation, Online
On Friday 27 August, Aqua Publica Europea President, Mr Bernard Van Nuffel, will represent the voice of the public water operators at the World Water Week online event "Ambitious nature-based solutions are the key to accelerating adaptation."

On Friday 28 August, Aqua Publica Europea President, Mr Bernard Van Bernard, will represent the voice of the public water operators at the World Water Week online event "Ambitious nature-based solutions are the key to accelerating adaptation" organised by World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).
The aim of this session is to highlight the need to develop a pipeline of ambitious nature-based solutions projects that can help build resilience and strengthen climate change adaptation at the scale that is needed from the Mekong delta to Africa to cities in Europe - and use the funds that are increasingly being pledged.
Mr Bernard Van Nuffel will introduce public water operators examples of Nature-based Solutions for climate adaptation in Europe.
The session will bring together technical experts as well as speakers from business, finance and conservation to discuss these projects as well as ongoing research and studies into large-scale NBS - and how to secure the funding needed to implement them.
Introduction: Urgent need for greater ambition and accelerated investment in large-scale NBS for adaptation
Developing a pipeline of ambitious Nature-based Solutions in Africa
- Bregie van Wesenbeeck, Deltares
Building a more resilient Mekong delta with Nature-based Solutions
- Justine Shapiro-Kline, Ecoshape & One Architecture
Prioritising Nature-based Solutions for climate adaptation in Europe
- Bernard Van Nuffel, President Aqua Publica Europea
Panel discussion on accelerating public and private investment in NBS:
- Andre Fourie, Global Director, Water & Sustainability, AB InBev
- African Development Bank (TBC)
- Global Center on Adaptation (TBC)
- Stuart Orr, Global Freshwater Lead, WWF
Wrap up