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EVENT | BACK TO THE NATURE: Exploring the potential of nature-based solutions to face the effects of climate change on water - Brussels and online, 09 November 2021

Belgium 9 November 2021
Aqua Publica Europea, the European Association of Public Water Operators has the pleasure to invite you to our public event BACK TO THE NATURE: Exploring the potential of nature-based solutions to face the effects of climate change on water In its latest report, published in August 2021, the IPCC rings

EVENT | Building a circular society:The need for a collective effort to achieve sustainability - Brussels, 17 October 2019

Belgium 17 October 2019
Aqua Publica Europea, the European Association of Public Water Operators has the pleasure to invite you to our conference BUILDING A CIRCULAR SOCIETY: The need for a collective effort to achieve sustainability Organised on the occasion of Aqua Publica Europea’s tenth anniversary celebration, the conference will discuss how different institutions

WORLD WATER WEEK | Water Operators’ Partnerships Europe: Leveraging utilities, governments & investments for SDGs

Sweden 28 August 2019
Aqua Publica Europea is co-organising, with the European Commission's Directorate General for Development and International Cooperation (DG DEVCO) and with the Global Water Operator Partnership Alliance (GWOPA) a session to discuss the potential of not-for-profit water operator partnerships in the achievement of the global Sustainable Development Goal 6: clean water

APE Seminar | How to Ensure Water Affordability: Approaches And Challenges

Italy 10 October 2017
On the 10th of October Aqua Publica Europea and Utilitialia, the national federation of Italian utilities, organised a seminar on Water Affordability during the Festival dell Acqua in Bari (Italy). The aim of the seminar was to present the approaches to ensuring the access to water in different European countries, including Belgium, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy and Scotland.

APE Seminar | Water and Climate

France 16 October 2015
A wide-ranging audience of institutional representatives, experts, NGOs and other environmental stakeholders attended the seminar “Water and Climate” held on the 16th of October in the Paris’ town hall (Hôtel de Ville). The seminar was organised by Aqua Publica Europea in cooperation with the Paris' water operator Eau de Paris.

APE Seminar | Water and Earth: a Shared Future

Italy 10 July 2015
On the 10th of July 2015, Aqua Publica Europea and Metropolitana Milanese organised the seminar “Water and Earth: a Shared Future” at the Milan EXPO. This seminar aimed to discuss the limits of our development model and explore solutions that can help us reconcile growth needs with the sustainable use of water resources.