Aqua Publica members celebrate World Water Day 2022
On 22 March, the Members of Aqua Publica Europea celebrated World Water Day through a range of different activities to raise awareness on water and on its sustainable use.
Innovative solutions for water meters presented on occasion of the final conference of the SMART MET research project
On 14 December, more than 100 people attended the final conference of the Horizon2020-funded research project SMART.MET to learn more about the innovative technological solutions in the field of smart water metering that were developed and tested on the field during the 5-years project.
The SMART-MET consortium concludes the installation of 3000 innovative smart water metering solutions in five European sites
Aqua Publica and seven of its members have been involved in the EU-funded research project SMART.MET for the development of innovative solutions for smart metering that now is reaching its final stage.
PROMEDIO sharing knowledge on public water management of small agglomeration
The Spanish public water operator PROMEDIO (Badajoz) was invited to present its public water management model for small agglomerations by the World Bank.
SMART.MET will test new smart metering solutions in five European sites
On 30 November 2020, the SMART.MET consortium announced the two companies that have passed the selection procedure for Phase 3 of the pre-commercial procurement (PCP) that will involve the ‘development of a test series and field testing’ of innovative smart-metering solutions.
Visit from your home a Wastewater Treatment Plant
The public water operator of the Badajoz Province (Spain) PROMEDIO offers virtual visits to its Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Promedio distributes reusable water bottles to reduce waste in schools
In April 2019, the Promedio consortium, gathering the public water operators of the Badajoz province in Spain (Extramadura), distributed 2.000 reusable water bottles in local schools. The objective is to reduce plastic waste whilst also promoting tap water consumption and raising awareness amongst younger generations and families on the benefits
SMART.MET Project: Request for tenders in water smart metering now open
On 27 June 2018, the SMART.MET project launched its request for tenders, a chance for innovative companies in Europe to submit their offers for the development of cutting-edge technology for water smart metering. Funded under the Horizon 2020 programme, with a budget of €3,240,000, the SMART.MET project aims to promote